ASUS - G74SX-BBK8 - Intel i7-2670QM 2.20GHz - 8GB RAM - 1TB HDD - Nvidia GTX 560M 2GB Video - 17.3" [amazon-element asin="B01HT387V4" fields="title,lg-image,large-image-link,desc,ListPrice,new-price,button" msg_instock="in Stock" msg_outofstock="no more left!"]G74SX Laptop Computer/ 17.3" Widescreen LED-Backlit display/2.2GHz Intel Core i7 2670QM Quad-Core processor./ 16GB of DDR3 RAM memory / 750GB 7200rpm Hard Drive + 160GB SSD hard drive/ NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M GPU with 3GB /Blu-ray Player with DVD
This computer is a MONSTER when it comes to gaming. There has never been a game played on this laptop that could not run on this laptop. Some of these game include Battle field 4, PayDay 2, Skyrim, Left4Dead2, Fallout New Vegas
I am parting with this laptop because I am in need of money for college, and a smaller laptop that is more accessible.
This laptop has been checked cleaned and restored professionally.
The only thing I could critique about the laptop is that one of the stickers on the laptop is pealing, some ware and tare on the outside of the laptop. Besides the small cosmetic scratches on the outside, the inside is good.
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